If you are looking for a new family member, consider rescue. You will never feel more love than from a rescue. |
Chihuahua / Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie / Mixed : : Female : : Baby : : Small
PLEASE NOTE! Unless stated otherwise, our dogs and puppies are located in Arkansas, and transported to the north/northeast once adopted. We do occasionally have dogs/puppies placed in foster homes in the north/northeast. In the cases where the pet is somewhere other than Arkansas, it will be noted beside the name of the pet.
8/17/15 These babies were born on 6/13. Their mom is a 8lb chihuahua/yorkie mix and dad is a 5lb chihuahua. Mom was owner surrendered when she was pregnant, because her owner had to move and couldn't take her with her. These tiny babies are being fostered in a home with other dogs, cats, and children, so they are well socialized and happy, friendly babies. They will get their second shots this week and will be ready for their new homes at that time. They will not be spayed/neutered before adoption, so they will be adopted on a contract. The adopter will be required to have them spayed/neutered by 4 months of age. We are not having them done prior to adoption because they are too small. They are only about 2lbs now. For more info, email kelley.aasr@gmail.com More about ReesaGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Our typical adoption fee for puppies younger than 6 months old is $400, and for older puppies and adults, the usual fee is $350. This includes microchip, spay/neuter, up to date on age appropriate vaccinations, dewormings, flea/tick treatment, and heartworm test (if over 6 months old) as well as heartworm treatment if they test positive. There is a transport fee of $150 per dog, depending on the transporter. We use Pack Leaders Rescue Dog Transport most often, but also use Hearts Transport as well on occasion. Please visit our Facebook page too! https://www.facebook.com/adoptastrayrescueorg For more info regarding adopting, email apps.aasr@gmail.com Thank you for considering one of our rescue babies! |